The perfect venue for any occasion.

The perfect venue for any occasion.

The perfect venue for any occasion.

The perfect venue for any occasion.

The perfect venue for any occasion.
New Events/Groups
A great ONE OFF EVENT is being presented by GOLDSMITHS who will be at the Community Centre for 2 days 25th and 26th July 12.00pm to 4.00pm... come on down with any silver and/or gold jewellery, medals, coins, watches... etc to get the best prices paid. tel contact for home visits is 07950944652
We welcome on a Wednesday a Wellbeing Group who start with a mother and todler group and at 11.30 a music group for people with dementia and their carers. !0.00 - 1.00 every Wednesday
We also welcome Faye Bailey who runs the mother and todler aspect of the above group and also a Tea Tots and Tunes group on a Friday morning at 10.00 to 11.00. All welcome
Latest News
At the end of 2023 we were pleased to secure a grant from LANCASHIRE ENVIRONMENT FUND - This is to be used for:
1. Replacing the worn out outdoor play area at the rear of the building
2. A Conservatory at the Rear of the Building
3. A Battery back up for the Solar Panels which were part funded by Whalley Hydro
4. New shed for equipment
Thanks to LEF and all involved... here the work starts ....
run by Billington & Langho Community Association. (BALCA) New Members always welcome.
Billington & Langho Hall is available most weekends for a variety of uses.
Socials, Dances, Exhibitions, Table Top Sales, Quiz Nights, Whist Drives, AGM's to name a few. It may be just what you are looking for to help raise money for your cause, and while your helping your cause you would be helping our cause too!!
A hidden gem in a beautiful surrounding overlooking the Ribble Valley comfortably holding 200 persons, facilities include:
- Private parking
- Seating and tables
- Smaller meeting room for interviews /consultations.
Why not book a viewing?
Ring Hall mobile on 07772 790954 - if not answered please either leave a message...
OR Leave a message on WHATS APP on the same number or text message
You can also EMAIL US ON info@billingtonlangho.org.uk