Address post for hall hiring to T Hargreaves and pop in letterbox
OR email info@billingtonlangho.org.uk
TEL 07772 790954 Hall Mobile leave a message appreciated if unavaialable
Contact Us
We are easy to contact, take a look below for how to!
You can also read all about us here.
Contacting Us
For further information on booking the Hall, please telephone the Hall phone on
07772 790 954 - the phone is not constantly manned so please leave a message
or Whats App message
or text message - we will get back to you
or in case of non contact with Hall phone 07966 425 504 or 07921 555 400
If you would like to discuss any other aspect of the Hall please ring
Chair, C Topham on 07966 425 504 or Secretary, M Harling 07921 555 400